Grab the yarn and knitting needles-in The Sims™ 4 Nifty Knitting Stuff Pack, Sims can craft their own clothes, toys, and home decor! Take a seat in a new rocking chair and start creating now.
All DLCs, add-ons & bonus soundtrack included installed over (thanks to members!) 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation.
Based on The.Sims.4.-RELOADED ISO release: rld-sims4cl.iso (19,928,776,704 bytes) All updates and language packs up to v1.I miss the original sims when you could buy one game and that had everything included - had all the updates they decided to make to that game for that year included in that 50-60 dollars they charged for the game.
However, it is just another sims game, with more add-ons and more ways to squeeze money out of you.